Genre : DJ
90年代中頃にアブストラクト/ジャズ/フュージョン/ワールドミュージックなどをプレイするフリーキーなラウンジスタイルのDJ/オーガナイザーとしてキャリアをスタート。以降、シーンに存在するあらゆるボーダーを越えるエレクトロニック・ダンスミュージックを探求。自由奔放な音楽性とアイデアに裏打ちされたそのプレイからは独創的世界が垣間見える。これまでにWOMB、ageHa、AIR、YELLOW、UNITなど都内主要クラブや地方での活動の他、オープンエアー・フェスティバル、アート・スペースや寺などで開催される特殊なイベントに軒並み名を連ねている。SUNDAY AFTERNOONとしてはWOMB初のレギュラーパーティー『PANGEA』を5年に渡り主催(その後、脱退)。熱狂的な支持を得たこのパーティは、現在も盛り上がりを見せている「WOMB SUNDAY AFTERNOON」というプロジェクトに影響を及ぼすなど様々な広がりを見せた。その他に、数々の海外トップアーティストを招き開催した国内屈指のテクノイベント『IN:FLAME』のオーガナイザーなどを経て、現在、SHINGO420率いる「SEXON SUPER PEACE」サポートのもとに独自のピストバイク・テイストを内包するクリエイティブ集団『WW-TOKYO』による『WEEKEND WARRIORZ』『BUNNY HOP』のレジデントDJ/クリエイティブ・ディレクターとして精力的に活動。一際異彩を放つその存在感はシーンのボーダーを超え、HIRO (ex.RISINGSUN)、MOTOAKI (ex.SOBUT)、ZEEBRA、JASSE (RIZE)などが参加し結成した大型ミクスチャー・ロック・プロジェクト「KAIKIGESSHOKU-カイキゲッショク」によるファースト・シングルのリリースパーティーや関連イベントをサポートするなど、新たな境地でもその類い稀なセンスを存分に発揮している。2010年6月、満を持して「WOMB SUNDAY AFTERNOON」に復帰。
DJ SON (blue murmur /
Born in suburb of Tokyo, growing up being influenced by all cultures.
Started DJ career as a freaky lounge style DJ / Organizer, playing Jazz, Abstract, Fusion and world music around mid 90's.
Since then, he'd been seeking electronic dance music which exceeds all genre.
You can feel his one and only world and cultivated abandon musically.
He's been playing at these big name events and clubs such as WOMB, ageHa, AIR, YELLOW, Unit and some other
open air spaces, festivals, art events and temples as well.
For 5 years, he organized his very first regular party called "PANGEA" at WOMB that is one of the highest quality clubs in the world. It was the very first Sunday Afternoon party for this club, too.
( Later on, he left this party.)
The party was hugely popular. It still influences other projects of WOMB SUNDAY AFTERNOON.
DJ SON also greatly contributed to the production.
The stimulation that came out of it, spreads out various ways.
After that, he experienced being an organizer for the one of top techno events "IN:FLAME".
If you know this party, you must have seen many top DJ artists play from all over the world.
Now he's a resident DJ of the party "BUNNY HOP" which is organized by the interesting creative group called WEEKEND WORRIORZ TOKYO. He is also one of the member of this group.
WW-TOKYO has a very unique original color.
They take pist bike culture into the party. SEXSON SUPER PEACE, led by SHINGO420, support the event with those pist bikes.
WW-TOKYO has supported the release party of the mixture rock project "KAIKIGESSHOKU", that is formed by many big Japanese artists.
WW-TOKYO's incomparable senses are flowering and are on their way to another step.
Everyone is looking forward to having experiences in their next stage.
In June 2010, he finally came back to "WOMB SUNDAY AFTERNOON", and also now he does resident DJ of
CLASH AFTER - official after-hours party of CLASH in ageHa, which is biggest venue in Japan.